Monday, 24 March 2014

Uti Nwachukwu Gives Us An Insight Of His First Sex..

People  can deceive themselves sha .Well uti nwachukwu had a recent interview where he talked about his first sex and how awkward it was...Excerpt below..............            
Alright, you were going to tell us about your first sexual experience.

It was the most awkward moment, I didn't know what to do. This was SS 2, I was 15 I think. I had no clue what I was doing, had no idea about the motions, I had problems finding where to put what and even after finding it, I did not know how to move, it was a disaster and my partner even complained about it. I was so embarrassed.

Doesn't sound romantic…

There was nothing romantic about my first sexual encounter, no candle lights, no whispers of I love you, it was a one night stand which was horrible. After that day I went to watch some adult movies and by the second time I was a champion.

And the partner?

I am happy I never saw her again till this day and I never want to see her in my life because it was really bad.

                                   *small time now pela the bleaching expert will come and say his

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