Friday 4 April 2014

ANOTHER SOUL E PROPHESIES: Something Terrible Will Happen On Benin-Ore expressway That Will Shake Africa And The World!

Its no news that singer soul E recently proclaimed himself as prophet. In a recent exclusive Interview with My Testimony's Blog he spoke on issues ranging from why he quit music,marriage and of course some new prophecies.... Continue...


MTB; We have seen you evolve from a best-selling musician to a prophet recently, what happened to you?

Soul E: This has always been my life, even when I was in the world if you take a good look at my songs you will find out that I was different but God wanted me to experience the other side so that when He starts using me, I will have what to say and by His grace, we have been to over 35 nations speaking the Gospel and thousands have been lead to Christ so I am happy and blessed to be used by God this way.

MTB; Have you always been a prophet? When did the prophetic unction come?

Soul E: Yes, I have always been a prophet. From the age of 8, I have been prophesying and the things I say happens. At the age of 13, I was opening crusades for my dad who is an apostle but I lost it in 2004; thank God for my parents they stood in the gap for me, and since 2009 till date, the God of heaven has never left me.

MTB; Tell us about your experiences in 2004

Soul E; Well, I have always loved music but I did not get support from the church, I want to say this; pastors should be sensitive, so many has left the church and went into the world because of there is no support for talented people in the church

MTB; You were a big hit, everyone loved your music, what are the temptations gospel artistes should watch out for when they hit the limelight?

Soul E; Pride, money and women. If they can deal with these three things, the sky is their starting point
MTB; You recently prophesied about Boko Haram attacking Aso Rock and about Davido and Wizkid. They seem to be coming to pass especially with the recent occurrence at SSS headquarters yesterday. Can you expatiate on these prophecies?

Soul E; When God gives a prophet a word, his duty is to pass it out so that everyone is alert and pray.

I told the  world that there will be an attack but no one believes but am sure they have seen what happened on Sunday, for the other musicians, I pray they listen to what God is saying.

MTB: What advice would you give to Wizkid and Davido? What should they do about the prophecies? Should they fast and pray or humble themselves before God? Please use this platform to address them

Soul E; They should respect God through the prophet and they should get themselves together and pray.

MTB; Congratulations on your wedding. What have you learnt about women and marriage?

Soul E; Be truthful to the woman in your life and you will face less wahala (problems). Love her and give her attention that is what they love.

MTB; Are you releasing any albums soon?

Soul E; Yes, it’s called Bad Boy Turned Prophet

MTB; Why are secular artistes more successful than gospel artistes?

Soul E; It’s simple, the people of the church don't support them do you know the people that make secular musicians are Christians; they are the ones that go to club, buy their Cds and support their shows.

MTB; What do you think the church needs to do about this challenge?

Soul E; Brother, it starts from the head; if the pastors teach their followers to support their musicians, things will change.

MTB; Are there more prophecies you would like to share with the world?

Soul E; Yes and you will be the first to hear these prophecies,  more movie stars will go soon. Also, the government needs to do something about the Benin/ Ore express road. That road will eat more lives this year if the government does not pay attention. Something horrible will happen on that road that will shake Africa and the world if care is not taken. Those that will be fooled (or deceived by the devil) this year will be more than any other year both in Nigeria and other parts of the world but the good news is  the ones that know there God will be strong and prosper, when others are crying they will be rejoicing.

MTB; What is your advice for the unmarried? 

Soul E; There is a level of grace that you can never have if you are not married

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