Tuesday 13 May 2014

See Why Beyonce's Sister ''Solange'' Attacked Jayz

   There is no need beating around the bush but information gathered online has it that 'Solange is so angry because Jay-Z promised to give her more help with her career and when she brought it up again the night of the gala, he told her he just didn’t have the time to work with her in the studio.He hasn’t kept his promise to help her. 
Jay keeps telling her to give him some time and he will sit down and write with her and then get her into the studio but he hasn't done it yet.''Solange's album is coming out soon but there is no buzz about it, which is a bad sign within the industry. Continue...Solange wants a major career like her sister and she's tired of living in her shadow. She's jealous.Jay-Z promised he would help take her to the next level but he never found the time to keep his word.Enough was enough for Solange! She flipped out and screamed at Jay-Z that if he didn't want to help just say so and pulling her chain!"

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