It was a like nightmare for Taiwo on the night of Friday the 25th of September 2015. Taiwo, a resident of Basiri area in Ado-Ekiti who clocks 26 next month was still in the police custody as at last Sunday evening when this story was being compiled. The occurrence which was described as a bolt from the blue by the victim is what confirms to the general public once again that homosexuals exist in Nigeria for real and it is not a behavioural issue but rather, a sexual orientation.
Taiwo, when interrogated by the eye witnesses as to what led him to such act confessed to them that he has been observing his sexual attractions towards persons of the same sex since when he was 13 years. He stressed further that he has been to many christian prayer mountains seeking a change of lifestyle but all to no avail. He recounted on how he confided in a pentecostal church pastor who later took his case to the church council and he was summoned to an interrogation by a 5-man panel which could not proffer a lasting solution.
'I have had sex with about 5 guys before I met Sunday', Taiwo explained. Taiwo met Sunday, a 28 years old guy on a popular online social network by the name '2go' and they both got acquainted after some formal introduction.
'I made him believed I was gay' claimed Sunday. 'He didn't know that I never had the experience until that Friday night'.
Sunday claimed that he was sexually harassed by Taiwo, a sales boy in a boutique around Basiri area in Ekiti.
Sunday arrived in Taiwo's house on Friday night at an half-past 9 to fulfill his promise of passing the night at Taiwo's house as it was their prior agreement.
Sunday explained that he was entertained by Taiwo with a jollof rice delicacy before they went into a long conversations which lasted for about an hour.
'After finishing his plate of jollof rice with a big piece of beef decorated with diced fried plantain around the plate, I put my phone in recording mode, he didn't know I had already set a trap for him'. Sunday reiterated.
'We both went stripe-naked and he was caressing me when I told him I had to use the toilet and I tied his big towel around my waist' Sunday narrated . 'I went to the toilet with my phone and dialled my friend's number to alert him of the time of execution of our plans. I told Tosin to come into Taiwo' room after some minutes of my returning to the room'.
Tosin burst into the room and the whipping of Taiwo by Sunday and Tosin with waist belts was the beginning of the scenario which woke up Taiwo's neighbours who took all the 3 boys to the nearest police station at that midnight.
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