Tuesday 24 December 2013

Photos : MEET Queen Okafor : Nigeria’s Hairiest Woman

Queen Okafor is a unique woman with unique features. She has a rare endowment from nature. Looking at her, one would think she is a man, but she is a full blooded woman.
Before now little or nothing was heard of Queen. But Queen decided to speak to a National Newspaper, not to ask Nigerians for help, but alert NGO’s to come to the aid of people with rare disabilities as hers.  She said she lived a normal live until she was 21 when hair started growing all over her body. According to Queen who is now 26, she inherited this from her mother. Once you get to 21 to 23 years in my family, you start experiencing hair growth, she said. I want people to treat me like a normal human being and I will also love to appear in movies, Queen said. She also said she is in a relationship at the moment, and believes she will get married and have kids at the right time.
 According to the Anambra State born lady, she has seen the good, the bad and the ugly because of her abundant hairs. She said she has become the cynosure of all eyes wherever she goes, sometimes to her utter embarrassment. At one time, she narrated how a gay person approached her to have backdoor with her, promising to pay her a princely sum of N500,000.
She said this was the most terrible encounter she has had on account of her hairs. She, of course, refused the offer. She said even lesbians also “toast her” to hangout with her because they found her attractive in both ways, both as a man and as a woman. When this reporter met Queen in a bus going to Oshodi from Mile 2, in Lagos some months ago, passengers were starring at her embarrassingly. As the lady tried to hide her face, more eyes were on her, thus arousing much interest from co-passengers.
See other pictures of Queen below


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